If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us on 01942 842 468.
Hours of Business : Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.30 pm
The majority of business that Geartorque generates are recommendations from past, satisfied customers. The main thing about Geartorque that makes us unique and above the rest is that every transmission and gearbox overhaul is personally carried out by John himself. Every vehicle that enters our workshop is worked on only by our highly trained technicians and thoroughly checked before being released to the customer.
We have the latest up to date, state of the art, dealer spec diagnostic equipment enabling our technicians to carry out a complete electronic and manual diagnosis of your vehicle from Audi/VW, BMW and Mercedes-Benz right through the full range of manufacturers. The cleanliness of our fully insured workshop and extensive equipment gives you peace of mind that your vehicle is in the best possible hands. Our client base is a testimony to the high standard of professionalism we maintain from main dealers to private customers!
Geartorque has the capability to rebuild any gearbox/transmission from classic car transmissions through to the latest high tech multispeed CVT transmission like the Audi Multitronics and DSG's, Geartorque is more than capable.
Overheating or water contamination is the main reason for automatic transmission failure, caravan towing being one activity that can cause it. Mercedes 722 6, Vauxhall, Saab and Volvo gearboxes are particularly susceptible to this problem. The solution is to have an additional air cooled oil cooler that will guard against the damage that could occur, and which usually results in a costly gearbox repair. Please call 01942 842 468 for a quotation. |